Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A New Journey Begins

Yoga Teacher Training: Weekend 1, complete. I have barely had time to let it all sink in. Life has been non-stop. And that has been interesting, but I would like to be able to just chill for a few minutes and contemplate the weekend.

Friday evening started at 6 pm. We all just sat together and sort of went over what we would be doing and did the introduction/ice breaker stuff. The energy in the room was palpable. You could feel that there were 20 something people that were excited to start a journey and who were all trying to rein in that energy. I was certainly one of those people. My class consists of 21 girls and 5 boys. One of the instructors, Quinn, mentioned that he was happy to see that there were more men in this class than in previous teacher trainings. Win?

Saturday started at noon. We opened with two hours of asana practice.  Then we sat and talked about yoga, meditation, and other things that go along with the life of yoga.

Sunday started at noon again. We did some asana practice, but it wasn't a class like we did on Saturday. It was more of a breakdown of Sun Salutation A. It was very enlightening and got me thinking about my positioning during my practice on Monday. Then we went on to meditate for a while and more talking about meditation and teaching yoga.

We are required to meditate for 30 minutes each day. I have been finding this difficult to do because I am more of a free-form meditator. I sit when I feel I should sit. And although I have been sitting everyday for a few months, it has been difficult for me to set a timer and sit for thirty minutes. I have been sitting for as long as I felt I needed to. When I was finished, I stopped. No timers. No rules. The regimentation of it has been tough for me to deal with. I'm sure it will get easier, but for the first time, I found myself not really liking meditation very much. Just growing pains, I assume. I still enjoy my meditations and will continue to do them. I'm just being a baby about it because now I have to. Clearly my distaste for authority and rules is coming to light. I probably just need to learn how to discipline myself. The funny thing about it is that I could certainly blow it off and just pretend like I have been meditating everyday. But I will not do that. I will throw myself whole-heartedly into this endeavor. For better or worse.

Peace and love,


  1. Hi Rich, I am so excited for you to start your training! I've been a "good" meditator for brief periods here and there and I'll tell you it gets harder before it gets easier. But it's so worth it to push your comfort level and see what's waiting on the other side.

  2. Angie, thanks so much for the love! I'm certainly excited to see what is coming. I hope that came through in the post. I guess what I had trouble with was waiting for the timer to go off! :)
